The baby shower went awesome. All of our family and friends came up and it was an all around good time. Among the many gifts we got were the stroller a bunch of different clothes, socks, hats, cleaning stuff, mittens, and a load of other things. There are only a few things left that we have to get tomorrow. Tonight we are going to get our shopping list ready so we make sure we have everything we will need for the first weeks.
All signs are pointing to the baby coming soon but we will just have to wait and see. Our bedroom should be done this Friday as well which will help calm things down a bit. We still have to get the other crib set up and get moved in but everything is either ordered and on its way or ready to be moved into the room as soon as the carpet is down.
On the school and work side of things, blogging has been going amazing although the money isn't pouring in just yet it is adding up. By the time summer rolls around blogging should be providing a nice source of income. ChaCha has also been working very well recently so I have been making good money there as well. School is going good except I am leaning towards changing my major to marketing and computer science or something along those lines. If you want to read some more about my blogging experience check out my Blogging for Money blog.
Just a reminder - Tomorrow is Election Day so get out and VOTE!!!
Tags: blog, blogs, blogger, blogging, weblog, weblogs, baby, pregnancy, delivery, pregnant, father, mother, fatherhood, motherhood, parenting, ChaCha, school, majors, marketing, computer science, vote, voting, election day